I received the official e-mail from Borland about the abstracts I submitted for BorCon 2004 on April 20th. I’ve been waiting to post the results until I had some further clarification on the results of two of my abstracts. Now that all of the issues are resovled, here are the official results. Out of a total of seven regular sessions and one preconference tutorial that I submitted, I will be delivering two sessions and writing and additional paper for the CD. These are listed below.
Session: Reflection in Delphi and C# for the Microsoft .NET Framework
Session: Threading in Delphi and C# with the Microsoft .NET Framework
Paper: Introduction to Code Access Security in the Microsoft .NET Framework
I delivered the two sessions at last year’s BorCon so I don’t have to write three new papers, but I definitely want to update them and add some additional content.
If you’re planning on going to BorCon this year and there is an aspect of on any of these topics, drop me a line or leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
As far as my other abstract ideas that were not accepted, two fell into the “Good topic. Unfortunately, there was just not enough room in the program to include it.” category, another two fell into “This author has already been accepted for other sessions.” category. My preconference tutorial session will be covered by another author. It would seem that my abstract ideas were received.
See you in San Jose in September!