Almost three years ago, I began a new adventure with a startup company called Atomynet. These past years have gone by in a blur, starting with a vague idea and turning into a tangible product. It was a great learning experience for me and I had the opportunity to work with a number of very talented individuals here in the US as well as in Israel. In total, I was able to visit Israel eight times and have taken many incredible pictures.
Working at a startup has been an exciting, challenging and stressful experience. Sometimes you get to experience all three emotions in the same day! Emotions aside, I am glad I took the leap almost three years ago.
Along the way, I have learned many things. Here are a few that I’d like to share:
- Make sure you meet the entire team. Chemistry and personalities are huge in a startup.
- Change is the name of the game. You probably won’t get it right the first time.
- Listen to your customers.
So the time has come to close this chapter and start a new one. I wish the best to everyone at Atomynet.